Burn Permits
Please contact the Town Fire Warden at (802) 723-4549 to request a Burn Permit.

Construction Permits
All construction is subject to State of Vermont wastewater, shoreline encroachment and other regulations administered by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and requires the applicable permit. Please contact the DEC Regional Office in St. Johnsbury VT. Click to download Do I need a State Permit? brochure.

The Town of Charleston has no zoning and does not issue town permits. For information regarding development, please see The Charleston Town Plan.

Charleston Dog License Form

Application for Certified Copy of Vermont Birth or Death Certificate
Birth or Death Certificate Application Instructions

Application for Vermont License of Civil Marriage 
Getting Married in Vermont Factsheet
Info for Officiants

Visit VT Dept of Health for more information on requesting Vital Records

File Homestead Declaration & Income Adjustment Online
Veterans’ Property Tax Exemption

U.S. DEPT OF STATE (forms & on-line services)
VT Dept. of Agriculture
VT Dept. of Motor Vehicles

VT Dept. of Taxes
Vermont Judiciary

CARE (Citizens Assistance Registration for Emergencies) Registration
